Accessibility Plan
This policy was adopted by the Governing Body in January 2022
This policy is due for review in January 2025
1. Aims
Schools are required under the Equality Act 2010 to have an accessibility plan. The purpose of the plan is to:
Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum
Improve the physical environment of the school to enable disabled pupils to take better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided
Improve the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils
Our school aims to treat all its pupils fairly and with respect. This involves providing access and opportunities for all pupils without discrimination of any kind.
Co-op Academy Delius is dedicated to ensuring that every pupil has the maximum opportunity to access the rich and full curriculum and to be supported to be as independent as they possibly can be.
The plan will be made available online on the school website, and paper copies are available upon request.
Our school is also committed to ensuring staff are trained in equality issues with reference to the Equality Act 2010, including understanding disability issues.
The school supports any available partnerships to develop and implement the plan.
Our school’s complaints procedure covers the accessibility plan. If you have any concerns relating to accessibility in school, the complaints procedure sets out the process for raising these concerns.
2. Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements of schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010 and the Department for Education (DfE) guidance for schools on the Equality Act 2010.
The Equality Act 2010 defines an individual as disabled if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’ adverse effect on their ability to undertake normal day to day activities.
Under the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, ‘long-term’ is defined as ‘a year or more’ and ‘substantial’ is defined as ‘more than minor or trivial’. The definition includes sensory impairments such as those affecting sight or hearing, and long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer.
Schools are required to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for pupils with disabilities under the Equality Act 2010, to alleviate any substantial disadvantage that a disabled pupil faces in comparison with non-disabled pupils. This can include, for example, the provision of an auxiliary aid or adjustments to premises.
3. Action plan
This action plan sets out the aims of our accessibility plan in accordance with the Equality Act 2010. It should be read in conjunction with the Co-op Academy Delius ADP 24-25.
Area to develop | Current good practice | Further actions required | Priority | Key Staff | Projected completion Date |
Curriculum Continue to develop the curriculum to ensure that all pupils can achieve their potential, regardless of their physical, medical and developmental needs.
| - Pathways are fully embedded and ‘what matters most’ is language that is well used by all teaching and learning staff to reiterate the vision of the curriculum
- Pathways have collaborative PPA opportunities for teachers to develop their skills by working alongside others
- Teachers have been following the programmes of learning developed by SLT curriculum leads and pathway leads
- DHT and AHT have begun work with Trust consultant to improve programmes of learning to support teaching of key knowledge and skills
- Frameworks have been written for all areas of learning
- Core texts have been written into the Long Term plan which will be instigated in Summer 2022
- CPD calendar ensures that all staff have the knowledge, skills and understanding to implement new teaching and learning initiatives
- Teachers have performance management targets which require research based practice, to develop their own pedagogical understanding
| - Curriculum development remains a priority within the Academy Development Plan
- Subject leaders to be reorganised. Along with the SLT curriculum leads, the subject leaders complete the programmes of learning. This will ensure that the subject leads have greater subject knowledge throughout all pathways
- Subject leaders will attend CPD to develop their knowledge of their subjects
- Pathway leads will support teachers via the moderation calendar
- All pupils will access the wide range of provision around school, to enhance their offer
| High | CM MR Pathway leads Subject Leads | July 2022 |
EHCPs To improve the EHCP process to ensure that all professionals have input into the review process. Thus ensuring maximum outcomes for individual pupils | - Senior teacher has one day of dedicated time to EHCPs alongside SLT to support capacity
- Pupil administrator has a well-organised system in place to alter teachers to annual review deadlines
- HT and DHT contributed towards an audit of EHCPs with regards to the contribution of health professionals, which has provided a greater knowledge of potential risks to the academy
- SLT are on the DAP working party to improve practice and compliance across the city special schools
| - Timescales will be revisited to ensure that all annual review meetings are compliant
- Social workers and health professionals will be invited to attend and provide a report for each meeting
- The chair of Annual Reviews will be aware of each aspect of the paperwork which must be completed to ensure compliance
- Administrative support will be made available to fully capture the review.
- Pupil voice will be prioritised within the review process
- HT and DHTs will develop action plan linked to DAP work due to begin in Feb 2022
| High | EH RC CM DM | July 2022 |
Cultural capital Co op Academy Delius will ensure that all pupils have access to enriching activities and learning opportunities linked to the culture of their community and afar. The focus will be upon experiences which pupils may not access due to their home situation or SEND. Our Cultural capital offer will be adapted and made purposeful for all of our children. | - Delius pupils access the ‘50 Things’ initiative
- The curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to learn about the wider world in a way that is relevant and meaningful for each individual
- The curriculum leads have specified that pupils have access to literature which would be found within mainstream schools. Therefore enabling pupils to be aware of key characters from childhood books
- The Stunning start and Fabulous finish model has been implemented
| - As the LTP is finalised, Key Cultural Capital opportunities will be identified and pathway leads will be responsible for making the events purposeful and accessible for all
- ‘Stunning Starts and Fabulous Finishes’ will be planned well in advance for the curriculum to ensure that pupils have access to enriching activities, which also supports the programmes of learning by providing an introduction to the concepts, knowledge and skills
- Significant trips will be arranged for the end of each Stage, for example, all pupils, regardless of their needs will visit the seaside as they leave Reception class
- The immersive environment will be implemented to allow all pupils to have access to virtual multi-sensory experiences that they may otherwise not be able to. For example, going on an aeroplane
| Medium | EH CM MR Pathway leads RM | To be planned and in place from Summer 2022 |
Communication To create an environment which supports the Total Communication approach
| - Staff members are Makaton trainers
- Makaton embedded into the curriculum and part of everyday communication universal offer including home learning
- Pupils access a range of AAC devices personalised to their individual needs
- Multidisciplinary working between SaLT and communication team to support targeted offer
- The library has been developed to offer an engaging space for pupils to learn to read and enjoy stories.
- HLTAs have performance management target linked to environment
- Boardmaker training has been delivered to all SNTAs
- CPD calendar includes a range of communication training opportunities and budget has been allocated to for additional hours to facilitate
| - To ensure that Makaton focus signs are clearly displayed in each class, for staff to refer to
- Key topic based signs displayed in classrooms and shared areas
- Corridors and displays are communication friendly, using symbols and VI friendly formats
- To enhance signage around school to promote pupils’ understanding of their environment
- To ensure that the symbols used across school are consistent
- Providing opportunities for staff to use Boardmaker within workshop environments
- Designated SaLT referral staff at both sites, who can refer and liaise with SaLT team and all staff are aware of referral process
- Audit of pupils across school and their communication aids
- Pupil voice is a priority in the ADP and a team of teachers have a focused action plan to develop this across the pathways
| High
| MR OS SK HLTAs | Jan 2023 |
Reading at Co-op Delius Further embedding of the reading systems across the pathways to maximise consistency and effectiveness. | - All classes have had reading moderation meetings, timetables moderated, and reading targets scrutinised collaboratively
- All pupils baselined on the reading framework
- Pupils identified by preferred reading style
- A range of reading schemes have been identified and implemented to meet pupil need across the academy.
| - Train more staff to deliver See and Learn reading intervention
- Ensure consistency of planning and use of Bug Club Phonics SSP scheme for phonic readers
| Medium | MR OS SS SC | Summer 2023 |
Sparkle Suite To reinstate and enhance the Sparkle Suite Facility to offer an innovative space for our pupils with complex medical needs | - Prior to C-19 pandemic the Sparkle Suite was a flourishing space. Families were accessing the space on a weekly basis
- Martin House Hospice provided opportunities for consultation away from the hospice
- Sibling groups had started with a bereavement specialist
- Feasibility plan has been instigated for further work
| - To develop a plan for potential expansion of the provision to also support pupils with complex ASC and SEMH needs
- To review the JDs and nursing offer within school to ensure that even most medically vulnerable can access and environment which supports their social and developmental needs
- The academy environment and facilities are accessible for a range of disabilities including children with sensory, physical and medical needs.
| Medium | CM EH
| Summer 2023 |
Implementation of MOVE programme Move programme information | - Key staff have been trained
- Pupils have been identified for pilot programme
- Physios and Occupational Therapists have been informed of programme and are liaising well to identify ways of sharing information and practice
- Basic work has started within classrooms
| - Policy will be written and shared with Governors
- Parents session will be held to share the programme outline
- Further work will be targeted for pupils
- A tracking system will be established to capture evidence
- Action plan will take into account systems to support multi-agency working without adding burden to physios and OT
| High | CM Move trained team | Dec 2022 |
National Tutoring Programme: School-led Tutoring School-led tutoring guidance | - Pupils have been identified through Pupil Premium status and those at risk of not reaching EHCP annual targets.
- NTP tutor delivering tutorials to first cohort as of Jan 22.
- Targeted tutorials to individual PLGs.
| - Identify additional tutor for second cohort
- Review planning and assessment of tutorials against PLGs
| High | MR MD | April 2022 |
Enrichment | - New rationale for enrichment has been agreed by SLT.
- Specialist external companies approached to offer enrichment.
| - Identify and target pupils for specific enrichment activities
- Sign-up staff members to support during enrichment activities
- Organise enrichment opportunities through inclusion with local mainstream schools
| Medium | MR | April 2022 |
Community Engagement | - Links with the LAP via SENCO, Head Teachers and EYFS networks
- Parent Involvement Officer member of ‘Friends of BD3 park’
- Groups led by PIO supports parental development and wellbeing of families (support with DLA forms etc)
| - Co-op Coordinators are prioritising community involvement with the potential of foodbanks being developed
- Co-op Academy Delius has joined LAP schools plans for community school events including music, sport and art whole activities
| High | EH Co-op Coordinators MB
| July 2022 |
4. Monitoring arrangements
This document will be reviewed every year but may be reviewed and updated more frequently if necessary.
It will be approved by the governing board
5. Links with other policies
This accessibility plan is linked to the following policies and documents:
Academy Development Plan
Risk assessment policy
Health and safety policy
Equality information and objectives (public sector equality duty) statement for publication
Special educational needs (SEN) information report
Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy