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News and Letters

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  • Williams Den - Whole School Trip

    Published 18/07/24

    We had an absolute blast on our Whole School Trip today! β˜€οΈ

     Pupils and staff loved Williams Den, which had something for everyone! From giant sandpits, indoor and outdoor playgrounds, fast zip wires and a maze made from hay bales, to balance beams, water play and even an indoor waterfall!! 

    The opportunity to take all of our pupils and staff out at once, to play together and work as a team is always one of our favourite days of the year!

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  • World of Work Week & Work Experience

    Published 08/07/24

    During our World of Work Week we worked hard to think about professions our pupils would love to engage with and explore - so we had to choose some professions that involve water! πŸ’¦ 

    We had brilliant volunteers from NIC Services Group Ltd. bring along 2 irresistible opportunities for us. First they brought along their window cleaning equipment and showed us how to use it, we had shiny windows all round! We had to learn how to use the different equipment, following instructions from an adult! πŸͺŸ They also brought their litter picking equipment and we were experimenting using their litter pickers to get litter out of gooey….edible….slime! We also ran our very own ‘Delius Car Wash’, where we used different sponges, sprays and cloths to have shiny clean cars too! Lots of our pupils have been through car washes, but loved getting hands on this time and doing it themselves! πŸš™ We want to say a huge thank you to those that volunteered at this years World of Work Week, you really are providing irresistible opportunities for our pupils!

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  • Trip to Eureka!

    Published 08/07/24

    Classes 7, 9 and 13 (Upper Primary Comets) had a blast on their trip to Eureka! πŸ’‘


    In our Science lessons we have been learning all about how our body’s work and during the trip we got to experience lots of different exhibitions to enhance our learning! We explored the digestive system and how our senses work. We even made fake burps and poo in our immersive show! πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ 


    We were also able to partake in activities around the World of Work as part of our PSED curriculum, where some of us worked in bank, a supermarket and even under ground as builders! πŸ‘·πŸ›’

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  • World of Work Week

    Published 28/06/24

    Our World of Work Week ‘kicked off’ with pupils from our BD7 site becoming footballers! 

    Pupils worked really hard to develop their football skills, and participated in drills to learn what it takes to be a good footballer! Their favourite was a drill in which they had to keep a cone on their head whilst dribbling a football, developing their ability to look up whilst dribbling! 

    All the pupils had a great time, and loved the opportunity to give football a go at Bradford Power League's accessible pitches! 

    Thank you for having us Power League Bradford! (For those who want to continue or start fun football sessions, Power League Bradford hosts SEN sessions every Saturday morning from 9-10am for £3 - just come along and play!)

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  • The Delius Planet

    Published 05/06/24

    This month marks the launch of our new school newsletter, The Delius Planet!

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  • β€˜Wear it Green Day’ as part of Mental Health Awareness Week

    Published 17/05/24

    Today we celebrated ‘Wear it Green Day’ as part of Mental Health Awareness Week! πŸŸ’ 

    This afternoon was dedicated to lots of fun activities based around Moving for our Mental Health, as that’s this years theme! 

    There was bikes whizzing by, children climbing up our climbing dome & soft play, ball pool fun, and some of our pupils even walked to the local park to get active there! 

    Although we had a special day dedicated to Mental Health today, we know that taking care of your mental health needs to happen all the time. That’s why throughout our curriculum, we teach our pupils strategies for positive Wellbeing, and encourage our community to have their wellbeing as a high priority! πŸ§ 

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  • Memorial Garden Opening

    Published 17/05/24

    We celebrated the opening of our memorial garden.  We were joined by the families of some of our pupils who have passed away. πŸ€ 

     We held a ceremony in the memorial garden, where we shared poems and readings chosen by the families. Pupils from our Signing Choir welcomed guests into the ceremony by performing ‘This little light of mine’. Abdullah,one of our teaching assistants recited from the Quran. 

    To make the event extra special, we were joined by some special guests. Ismail Hussain sang for us and we really enjoyed an upbeat performance by Punjabi Roots, who played a Bhangra version of an Ed Sheeran song. 

    Some children visited the ceremony and placed windmills in the ground and also planted some flowers in the memory of the children. πŸŒΈ 

    We finished the ceremony by watching a slideshow of the children, with some of their favourite songs in the background. 

    We were very nervous about holding an outside event as it had been an incredibly rainy week, however it stayed dry and the sun even shone for us as we blew bubbles into the sky! πŸ«§ 

    Whilst the ceremony was taking place, the pupils were having their own memorial celebration in the hall. The performers joined the children which provided the pupils with an opportunity to experience very contrasting live performances which they found highly engaging. 

    We had a wonderful and poignant afternoon, where we laughed, cried and danced as we thought about all of the fantastic times that we once shared with our Delius Stars β­οΈ

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  • Stunning Start

    Published 13/05/24

    As part of our Stunning Start, we had Ed from Leeds Rhinos Foundation give some of our pupils a Wheelchair Rugby taster session! 

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  • Science Day

    Published 29/04/24

    We held our Science Day as part of National Science week on Tuesday 19th March 2024! 

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  • StoryAcademy Council visit to Cartwright Hall

    Published 21/02/24

    Members of our Academy Council have been representing school during a piece of work with Cartwright Hall! They visited Cartwright Hall and worked with staff to analyse the accessibility of the museum, and suggest ideas for how the venue could be more accessible and inclusive! Well done to our Academy Council members for representing school so well and making our voices heard! πŸ—£οΈ




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  • Stunning Start

    Published 05/02/24

    At the beginning of every term & topic, we have a Stunning Start where lots of different learning opportunities are provided to get us excited about our new topic! This also gives our teachers the opportunity to assess pupils current knowledge, to guide their planning.

    The Immersive Suite was turned into a digital drawing experience, where we could see our artwork projected big, and draw with our whole bodies!

    The Sensory Room is where we got to experiment with UV paints! We worked hard to communicate our choices and comment on others' artwork.

    In the Music & Drama room we were moving to all kinds of different music, from practicing our line dancing to ballet! We even had all the costumes to get really into character too!

    It was noisy in the cooking room for ‘sounds of the kitchen’ - where pupils were practicing their music skills using everyday kitchen objects!

    We had 2 artists from The Children’s School of Art come into school to create the most fabulous piece of Art!

    Our children collaborated with one another, staff and The Children’s Art School to create an abstract sculptural landscape combining the two artist references of Henry Moore and David Hockney, both born in West Yorkshire!

    Our children each created individual elements of the landscape using boxes as fields, and cones and organic shapes as the trees and plants! We explored shapes, colour, pattern and texture, in a range of processes including painting, printing, cutting, sticking, tying and knotting!

    Our children were able to express themselves with their chosen materials and were free to play & explore!

    I think you can agree they have made something that makes you stop and say “WOW!”

    Our topics this term are:
    - EYFS: Colour - which is your favourite colour?
    - Lower Primary: Create & Express - how do you express yourself?
    - Upper Primary: Art & Sculpture - what is art?

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  • Time to Talk Day

    Published 05/02/24

    What a lovely morning we have had with our parents for our ‘Time to Talk’ coffee morning! Everyone really enjoyed the opportunity to slow down, chat, have some breakfast and even get treated to a hand massage!

    Our ‘Time to Talk’ day extended into our staff meeting this afternoon for our academy staff too! We were treated to pizza and a game of bingo, all helping us to loosen up a little and chat about how we’re doing. It was a great afternoon showing just how much we all care about each other and continuing to develop our relationships across our Academy!

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