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Class 6


What have we learnt so far this term?

In class 6 we have been learning about Art and Sculpture - what is art?


In Communication, Language and  Literacy, we have been exploring the text, Bob the Artist. We have been developing our communication skills by requesting different items to make marks using paints, pens, stickers and collage materials.  Class 6 have been developing their reading skills. We are enjoying our reading for pleasure sessions where we sit with an adult and share a story book. Funny Bones is one of our favourites! We have done lots of activities this term to help us with our writing, we have moved sensory materials around with our fingers, stacked brick towers and used pincers to transfer objects.


In Mathematics we have been focusing on numbers and money. In numbers we have tried lots of new activities where we have got messy counting down from numbers 1-10 then  splat foam across the classroom, we have enjoyed parachute games and singing and explored cooking using numbers of scoops for measurement! During our money lessons we have had lots of opportunities to explore different coins nda exchange them in school for snacks. We have taken these learnt skills out of the classroom with visits to Morrisons to purchase snack and cooking ingredients. 


In PSHE we have been learning about ways of keeping ourselves safe, we have been learning the sequence of how to keep your hands clean and when it is important to wash our hands. We have also been learning how to keep ourselves safe when moving around the school and outside of the school environment.

Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have been focusing on Computing, we explored creating our own posters and showing preferences to pre-made posters. Our favourites were big posters with lots of colour and pictures!


In RE we have been learning about the Sikh story, The milk and the Jasmine flower. We have been creating marks using flowers and paint, exploring water and floating the flowers in the water. We have also been learning about kindness and things you can do to be kind.

Expressive Arts and Design

n Expressive Arts and Design we have been developing our musical talents! We have got really good at clapping, tapping and playing instruments to a beat. We have been listening to lots of different music including Elvis Presly, black lace and swan lake.

Physical Development

In Physical Development our focus this term we have been learning ballet, we have been practising the different positions and moving our arms and legs in controlled ways. During PD we listened to lots of classical music and tried to imagine being different birds, how a bird would move around to the music. We have made huge pointed toe steps like a swan in swan lake and tiny tiptoe steps like a robbin whilst listening to Four Seasons by Vivaldi.


What have we learnt so far this term? 

In Class 6 we have been learning about “Mythical Creatures - can you describe this mythical creature to me?”


In Communication, Language and  Literacy, We have been reading the story Zog, we have enjoyed exploring the sensory materials in our story, mark making in a variety of sensory materials and developing our communication through symbols and vocalisation.



In Mathematics we have been developing our understanding of numbers by making silly soup with different quantities of ingredients, using drums to bang different numbers of beats and matching numerals to each other in sensory materials. We have also been exploring full and empty, we have filled and emptied big and small containers with water, pasta, balls, rice and flour.



In PSHE We have been learning about emotions and how different emotions make us feel. We have looked in mirrors and pulled different facial expressions. We have listened to music and explored how it makes us feel.


Understanding the World

In Understanding the World we have had a science focus exploring the life cycle of a butterfly, we have made some fantastic caterpillars, chrysalis and butterflies using collage materials, paint and fabric. We enjoyed watching our tiny caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies, which we released in our play area. In RE we have been exploring the jewish creation story, we have enjoyed a sensory story then recreating the different parts of the story using art materials.


Expressive Arts and Design

In Expressive Arts and Design we have been looking at the artwork of different artists, Tony Meeuwissen, Sara Fanelli, we have made our own creations of their work and adapted their work to create our own mythical creatures.


Physical Development

In Physical Development we have been developing our skills in football. We have done lots of work on kicking the ball towards a target, dribbling a ball around the hall and kicking a ball to a peer.  This term we have also enjoyed horse riding, some of our children enjoyed meeting the horses and developing their confidence when around them by feeding them and stroking them. Other pupils have developed the confidence to ride the horses.