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Rockets Pathway Intent

What Matters Most in the Rockets Pathway

  • Being confident around new people 

  • Being supported to access different  learning environment 

  • Finding ways to express wants and needs through the most appropriate communication strategies

  • Identification of most suitable post-EYFS pathway 

  • Building relationships with families 

  • Promotion of Movement for learning and Life (MOVE)

About Rockets 

The Rockets pathway is the beginning of our pupil’s inspiring journeys at Co-op Academy Delius. Pupils with a wide range of needs access the Rockets Pathway. The curriculum is designed to settle pupils into school life whilst accessing  meaningful and challenging learning experiences. In our Rockets pathway, the focus is to establish the communication strategies and learning styles which best suit the individual pupils, this supports the decisions about the most appropriate pathway for the children to zoom to next!

The Ambitious Curriculum for the Rockets pathway 

The curriculum has been designed to offer challenge and ambition for all pupils, therefore the pupils within our non-subject specific pathways will access the same topics, as the pupils within the same key stage as them in the astronaut pathway. However, the knowledge and skills which will be taught will be more relevant to the learning needs of the pupils and the context and theme will act as an exciting vehicle for their learning.

The curriculum design has taken into account the needs of the pupils within the pathway and has ensured that some elements of the national curriculum are repeated and revisited in order to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to build long term memory of their knowledge and skills. The curriculum is based around a 5 year plan which ensures that all pupils have the opportunity for new skills to be developed, whilst continuing to consolidate previous knowledge. 

We provide our students with a safe and nurturing learning environment where forming positive relationships and building trust with new people is at the heart of everything we do.  The pathway uses an early years child-led approach offering pupils opportunities to make choices and develop independence skills.   We pride ourselves in making the pupil’s first experience of school exciting and special for them and their families.  

What matters most in our pathway 

Feeling confident around new people 

The Rocket’s pathway acknowledges that it is a priority to form positive and reassuring relationships with each of our pupils.  This is done through the use of predictable structured routines, key communication strategies such as intensive interaction and an overall nurturing early years approach.  When the pupils are calm and comfortable in their setting, they have the ability to flourish in all four areas of need.

Being supported to access different learning environments 

Exploring new environments is incredibly important for our pupils as it encourages them to become familiar and confident with different or unexpected places they might experience.  The pupils have weekly opportunities to visit areas indoors and outdoors in school to increase their confidence and independence.   Rockets experience the soos hydro swimming pool in 1:1 or small group sessions depending on the class’s needs.  The rebound, circle playground and soft play areas are accessed to further support and enhance the various physical needs of the pupils.  

Classes also have weekly opportunities to use the immersive and sensory rooms where pupils can use a range of their senses and learn to self regulate in calming environments.

Finding ways to express wants and needs through the most appropriate communication strategies

Building communication skills is integral to learning within our pathway. All pupils are treated as intentional communicators and we follow an ‘assume competency’ way of working. This principle means that we believe everyone has something to say and everyone can learn.

The communication needs of each pupil in our pathway are observed and baselined within their first few weeks at Delius.  As a result they are supported with the most appropriate communication system/s for them to use both at home and school.  Our ASD learners use PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) a prompting and reinforcement system to encourage functional communication, independence and speech. For our PMLD learners, OoR (Objects of Reference) are used where words are represented by real life objects.  Gesture, vocalisations, body and eye movements are additionally encouraged to express their wants and needs.  Each class team uses basic Makaton Sign to support the children’s existing communication skills.

Identification of most suitable post-EYFS pathway 

Our pathway lays the foundations of  ‘what matters most’ for each individual child to create the most fitting learning path for them on their learning journey.  This is done through observing the child’s ‘communication’, ‘cognition and learning’, ‘personal social and emotional’ and ‘physical and sensory’ needs during their time in EYFS.  On-going discussions with families and professionals additionally support these decisions to ensure they are right for each child.

Building relationships with families

We aim to form positive and trusting relationships with our parents and carers for the pupils starting years in school. We work collaboratively with families through different forms of communication to ensure the individual needs of the children are met and pupil’s progress and wow moments are shared.  EYFS days are also held in the Rocket’s pathway to involve families in their child’s learning experiences.