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Special Education Needs

Our inclusive culture, policies and practices ensure that all children, no matter their background or ability, receive a great education.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report (SEND), describes the services (including statutory requirements) we have available to help all our children receive an excellent education.


Bradford Barnardo’s SENDIASS

SENDIASS supports parents and carers of children or young people who have special needs and/or disabilities (SEND) AGES 0 – 25 YEARS living in the Bradford district. Children and Young people can also access the service independently. The service supports with; Exclusions, Transfers, Admissions, Transport, Appeals, Mediation, Complaints, Personal budgets, EHCP’s SEN support.

Independent Advice

If you would like independent advice about special education needs provisions and decisions affecting your child in school, parents and families can contact Parent Partnership services on 01274 481183

Local Offer

The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support is available in Bradford.

Further Help

Need help or further advice? Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), Rob Cameron is here to help.

Pop in or call to make an appointment.